Source code for reana_client.api.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of REANA.
# Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 CERN.
# REANA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.
"""REANA REST API client."""

import cgi
import json
import logging
import os
import traceback
from functools import partial
from urllib.parse import urljoin

import requests
from bravado.exception import HTTPError
from reana_commons.validation.utils import validate_reana_yaml, validate_workflow_name
from reana_commons.specification import (
from reana_commons.api_client import get_current_api_client
from reana_commons.config import REANA_WORKFLOW_ENGINES
from reana_commons.errors import REANASecretAlreadyExists, REANASecretDoesNotExist
from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy

from reana_client.config import ERROR_MESSAGES
from reana_client.errors import FileDeletionError, FileUploadError
from reana_client.utils import is_uuid_v4, is_regular_path

current_rs_api_client = LocalProxy(
    partial(get_current_api_client, component="reana-server")

[docs]def ping(access_token): """Check if the REANA server is reachable and the user is correctly authenticated. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: a dictionary with the ``status`` key (``"Connected"`` if the server is reachable, the error message if there is a problem), the ``error`` key (``True`` if there is an error, ``False`` otherwise), and info about the current user in ``full_name`` and ``email``. """ try: response, http_response = current_rs_api_client.api.get_you( access_token=access_token ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: response["status"] = "Connected" response["error"] = False return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "REANA server health check failed: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}".format(e.response.status_code, e.response.reason) ) if e.response.status_code == 404: return {"status": "ERROR: INVALID SERVER", "error": True} if e.response.status_code == 403: return {"status": "ERROR: INVALID ACCESS TOKEN", "error": True} raise Exception(e.response) except Exception: return {"status": "ERROR: INVALID SERVER", "error": True}
[docs]def get_user_quota(access_token): """Retrieve user quota usage and limits. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: a dictionary with the information about the usage and limits of the user's quota. The keys are ``cpu`` and ``disk``, and refer to the respective usage and limits. """ try: response, http_response = current_rs_api_client.api.get_you( access_token=access_token ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response["quota"] raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "User quotas could not be retrieved: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def get_workflows( access_token, type, verbose=False, page=None, size=None, status=None, search=None, include_progress=None, include_workspace_size=None, workflow=None, ): """List all existing workflows. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :param type: type of workflow to be listed: ``"interactive"`` if you want to list only the workflows that have an interactive session attached, with the info about the session, or ``"batch"`` (default) otherwise. :param verbose: show detailed information about workflows. :param page: page number of the paginated list of workflows. :param size: number of workflows per page. :param status: filter workflows by status. :param search: search workflows by name. :param include_progress: include progress information in the response. :param include_workspace_size: include workspace size information in the response. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :return: a list of dictionaries with the information about the workflows. The information includes the workflow ``name``, ``id``, ``status``, ``size``, ``user`` (given as the user's ID), and info about the interactive session if present. """ try: response, http_response = current_rs_api_client.api.get_workflows( access_token=access_token, verbose=verbose, type=type, page=page, size=size, status=status, search=search, include_progress=include_progress, include_workspace_size=include_workspace_size, workflow_id_or_name=workflow, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response.get("items") raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "The list of workflows could not be retrieved: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def get_workflow_status(workflow, access_token): """Get status of previously created workflow. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: a dictionary with the information about the workflow status. The dictionary has the following keys: ``id``, ``logs``, ``name``, ``progress``, ``status``, ``user``. """ try: response, http_response = current_rs_api_client.api.get_workflow_status( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, access_token=access_token ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Analysis status could not be retrieved: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def create_workflow(reana_specification, name, access_token): """Create a workflow. :param reana_specification: a dictionary representing the REANA specification of the workflow. :param name: name of the workflow. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: if the workflow was created successfully, a dictionary with the information about the ``workflow_id`` and ``workflow_name``, along with a ``message`` of success. """ try: (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.create_workflow( reana_specification=json.loads( json.dumps(reana_specification, sort_keys=True) ), workflow_name=name, access_token=access_token, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 201: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 201 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Workflow creation failed: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def create_workflow_from_json( name, access_token, workflow_json=None, workflow_file=None, parameters=None, workflow_engine="yadage", outputs=None, workspace_path=None, ): """Create a workflow from JSON specification. :param name: name or UUID of the workflow to be started. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :param workflow_json: workflow specification in JSON format. :param workflow_file: workflow specification file path. Ignores ``workflow_json`` if provided. :param parameters: workflow input parameters dictionary. :param workflow_engine: one of the workflow engines (yadage, serial, cwl) :param outputs: dictionary with expected workflow outputs. :param workspace_path: path to the workspace where the workflow is located. :return: if the workflow was created successfully, a dictionary with the information about the ``workflow_id`` and ``workflow_name``, along with a ``message`` of success. :Example: .. code:: python create_workflow_from_json( workflow_json=workflow_json, name='workflow_name.1', access_token='access_token', parameters={'files': ['file.txt'], 'parameters': {'key': 'value'}}, workflow_engine='serial') """ validate_workflow_name(name) if is_uuid_v4(name): raise ValueError("Workflow name cannot be a valid UUIDv4") if not access_token: raise Exception(ERROR_MESSAGES["missing_access_token"]) if os.environ.get("REANA_SERVER_URL") is None: raise Exception("Environment variable REANA_SERVER_URL is not set") workflow_engine = workflow_engine.lower() if workflow_engine not in REANA_WORKFLOW_ENGINES: raise Exception( "Workflow engine - {} not found. You must use one of " "these engines - {}".format(workflow_engine, REANA_WORKFLOW_ENGINES) ) try: reana_yaml = dict(workflow={}) reana_yaml["workflow"]["type"] = workflow_engine if parameters: reana_yaml["inputs"] = parameters if outputs: reana_yaml["outputs"] = outputs if workflow_file: reana_yaml["workflow"]["file"] = workflow_file reana_yaml["workflow"]["specification"] = ( load_workflow_spec_from_reana_yaml(reana_yaml, workspace_path) ) else: reana_yaml["workflow"]["specification"] = workflow_json # The function below loads the input parameters into the reana_yaml dictionary # taking them from the parameters yaml files (used by CWL and Snakemake workflows), # and replacing the `input.parameters.input` field with the actual parameters values. # For this reason, we have to load the workflow specification first, as otherwise # the specification validation would fail. input_params = load_input_parameters(reana_yaml, workspace_path) if input_params is not None: reana_yaml["inputs"]["parameters"] = input_params validate_reana_yaml(reana_yaml) (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.create_workflow( reana_specification=json.loads(json.dumps(reana_yaml, sort_keys=True)), workflow_name=name, access_token=access_token, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 201: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 201 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Workflow creation failed: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def start_workflow(workflow, access_token, parameters): """Start a workflow. :param workflow: name or id of previously created workflow. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :param parameters: dict of workflow parameters to override the original ones (after workflow creation). :return: if the workflow was started successfully, a dictionary with the information about the ``workflow_id``, ``workflow_name``, ``run_number``, ``status``, and ``user``, along with a ``message`` of success. """ try: (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.start_workflow( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, access_token=access_token, parameters=parameters, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Workflow run could not be started: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def upload_file(workflow, file_, file_name, access_token): """Upload file to workflow workspace. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :param file_: content of a file that will be uploaded. :param file_name: name of a file that will be uploaded. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: if the file was uploaded successfully, a dictionary with a ``message`` of success. """ from reana_client.utils import get_api_url try: endpoint = current_rs_api_client.api.upload_file.operation.path_name.format( workflow_id_or_name=workflow ) http_response = urljoin(get_api_url(), endpoint), data=file_, params={"file_name": file_name, "access_token": access_token}, headers={"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"}, verify=False, ) if http_response.ok: return http_response.json() raise Exception(http_response.json().get("message")) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: logging.debug("File could not be uploaded.", exc_info=True) raise Exception("Could not connect to the server {}".format(get_api_url())) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: logging.debug("The server responded with an HTTP error code.", exc_info=True) raise Exception("Unexpected response from the server: \n{}".format(e.response)) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: logging.debug("Timeout while trying to establish connection.", exc_info=True) raise Exception("The request to the server has timed out.") except requests.exceptions.RequestException: logging.debug( "Something went wrong while connecting to the server.", exc_info=True ) raise Exception("The request to the server has failed for an unknown reason.") except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def get_workflow_logs(workflow, access_token, steps=None, page=None, size=None): """Get logs from a workflow engine. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :param steps: list of step names to get logs for. :param page: page number of returned log list. :param size: page size of returned log list. :return: a dictionary with a ``logs`` key containing a JSON string that contains the requested logs. """ try: (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.get_workflow_logs( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, steps=steps, access_token=access_token, page=page, size=size, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Workflow logs could not be retrieved: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def download_file(workflow, file_name, access_token): """Download the requested file if it exists. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :param file_name: file name or path to the file requested. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: a tuple containing file binary content, filename and whether the returned file is a zip archive containing multiple files. """ try: from reana_client.utils import get_api_url logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) endpoint = current_rs_api_client.api.download_file.operation.path_name.format( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, file_name=file_name ) http_response = requests.get( urljoin(get_api_url(), endpoint), params={"file_name": file_name, "access_token": access_token}, verify=False, ) if "Content-Disposition" in http_response.headers: content_disposition = http_response.headers.get("Content-Disposition") value, params = cgi.parse_header(content_disposition) file_name = params.get("filename", "downloaded_file") # A zip archive is downloaded if multiple files are requested multiple_files_zipped = ( http_response.headers.get("Content-Type") == "application/zip" ) if http_response.status_code == 200: return http_response.content, file_name, multiple_files_zipped else: raise Exception( "Error {status_code} {reason} {message}".format( status_code=http_response.status_code, reason=http_response.reason, message=http_response.json().get("message"), ) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Output file could not be downloaded: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def delete_file(workflow, file_name, access_token): """Delete the requested file if it exists. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :param file_name: file name or path to the file requested. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: a dictionary with two keys: ``deleted`` and ``failed``. Each of this keys contains another dictionary with the name of the file as key and info about the size as value. """ try: (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.delete_file( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, file_name=file_name, access_token=access_token, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200 and ( response["deleted"] or response["failed"] ): return response elif not (response["deleted"] or response["failed"]): raise FileDeletionError( "{} did not match any existing " "file.".format(file_name) ) else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "File could not be downloaded: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def list_files( workflow, access_token, file_name=None, page=None, size=None, search=None ): """Return the list of files for a given workflow workspace. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :param file_name: file name(s) (glob) to list. :param page: page number of returned file list. :param size: page size of returned file list. :param search: filter search results by parameters. :returns: a list of dictionaries that have the ``name``, ``size`` and ``last-modified`` keys. """ try: (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.get_files( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, access_token=access_token, file_name=file_name, page=page, size=size, search=search, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response.get("items") raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "File list could not be retrieved: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def upload_to_server(workflow, paths, access_token): """Upload file or directory to REANA server. Shared e.g. by `code upload` and `inputs upload`. :param workflow: name or id of workflow whose workspace should be used to store the files. :param paths: absolute filepath(s) of files to be uploaded. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: the list of path of files that were uploaded. """ if not workflow: raise ValueError("Workflow name or id must be provided") if not paths: "No path(s) to file(s) that should be uploaded to workspace was provided." ) return []'Workflow "{}" selected'.format(workflow)) # Check if multiple paths were given and iterate over them if type(paths) is list or type(paths) is tuple: for path in paths: upload_to_server(workflow, path, access_token) # `paths` points to a single file or directory else: path = paths if ".." in paths.split("/"): raise FileUploadError('Path cannot contain ".."') if not is_regular_path(path):"Ignoring symlink {path}") return [] # Check if input is a directory and upload everything # including subdirectories. if os.path.isdir(path): logging.debug("'{}' is a directory.".format(path))"Uploading contents of folder '{}' ...".format(path)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=False): uploaded_files = [] for next_path in files + dirs: next_uploaded_files = upload_to_server( workflow, os.path.join(root, next_path), access_token ) if next_uploaded_files: uploaded_files.extend(next_uploaded_files) return uploaded_files # Check if input is an absolute path and upload file. else: with open(path, "rb") as f: fname = os.path.basename( # Calculate the path that will store the file # in the workflow controller, by subtracting # the workflow root path from the file path save_path = path.replace(os.getcwd(), "") # Remove prepending dirs named "." or as the upload type while len(save_path.split("/")) > 1 and save_path.split("/")[0] == ".": save_path = "/".join(save_path.strip("/").split("/")[1:]) logging.debug( "'{}' is an absolute filepath.".format(os.path.basename(fname)) )"Uploading '{}' ...".format(fname)) try: upload_file(workflow, f, save_path, access_token)"File '{}' was successfully uploaded.".format(fname)) return [save_path] except Exception as e: logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) logging.debug(str(e)) "Something went wrong while uploading {}".format(fname) ) raise e
[docs]def get_workflow_parameters(workflow, access_token): """Get parameters of previously created workflow. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :returns: a dictionary that cointains info about the workflow (``name``, ``type``), and a dictionary of workflow parameters under the ``parameters`` key. """ try: response, http_response = current_rs_api_client.api.get_workflow_parameters( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, access_token=access_token ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Workflow parameters could not be retrieved: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def get_workflow_specification(workflow, access_token): """Get specification of previously created workflow. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :returns: a dictionary that cointains two top-level keys: ``parameters``, and ``specification`` (which contains a dictionary created from the workflow specification). """ try: response, http_response = current_rs_api_client.api.get_workflow_specification( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, access_token=access_token ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Workflow specification could not be retrieved: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def delete_workflow(workflow, all_runs: bool, workspace: bool, access_token: str): """Delete a workflow. Please note that the workspace will always be deleted, even if ``workspace`` is set to ``False``. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :param all_runs: whether to delete all the runs of the workflow. :param workspace: whether to delete the workspace of the workflow. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: a dictionary that cointains info about the deleted workflow (``workflow_id``, ``workflow_name``, ``status``, ``user``), and a ``message`` key. """ if not workspace: logging.warning( "Parameter workspace=False was specified in delete_workflow() but workspace will still be deleted." ) workspace = True try: parameters = { "all_runs": all_runs, "workspace": workspace, } (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.set_workflow_status( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, status="deleted", access_token=access_token, parameters=parameters, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Workflow run could not be deleted: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def stop_workflow(workflow, force_stop, access_token): """Stop a workflow. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :param force_stop: whether to stop the workflow immediately, without waiting for the jobs to finish. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: a dictionary that cointains info about the stopped workflow (``workflow_id``, ``workflow_name``, ``status``, ``user``), and a ``message`` key. """ try: parameters = {"force_stop": force_stop} (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.set_workflow_status( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, status="stop", access_token=access_token, parameters=parameters, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Workflow run could not be stopped: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def diff_workflows(workflow_id_a, workflow_id_b, brief, access_token, context_lines): """Return the list of differences between two workflows. :param workflow_id_a: UUID which identifies the first workflow. :param workflow_id_b: UUID which identifies the second workflow. :param brief: Flag specifying desired detail in diff. :param context_lines: Optional parameter to set the number of context lines shown in the diff output. :param access_token: API token of user requesting diff. :return: a list of dictionaries composed by ``asset``, ``type``, ``lines``, ``a`` and ``b``. Asset refers to the workflow asset where a difference was found, type refers to the asset type, lines refer to the lines of the file where the differences are and a, b fields are the actual lines that differ. """ try: (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.get_workflow_diff( workflow_id_or_name_a=workflow_id_a, workflow_id_or_name_b=workflow_id_b, brief=brief, context_lines=context_lines, access_token=access_token, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "File list could not be retrieved: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def open_interactive_session( workflow, access_token, interactive_session_type, interactive_session_configuration ): """Open an interactive session inside the workflow workspace. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow whose workspace will be available inside the interactive session. :param access_token: Workflow owner REANA access token. :param interactive_session_type: Type of interactive session to spawn. :param interactive_session_configuration: Specific configuration for the interactive session. :return: the relative path to the interactive session. """ try: (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.open_interactive_session( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, access_token=access_token, interactive_session_type=interactive_session_type, interactive_session_configuration=interactive_session_configuration, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response["path"] else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Interactive session could not be opened: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def close_interactive_session(workflow, access_token): """Close an interactive workflow session. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow to close. :param access_token: workflow owner REANA access token. :return: the relative path to the interactive session. """ try: (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.close_interactive_session( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, access_token=access_token, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Interactive session could not be closed: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def mv_files(source, target, workflow, access_token): """Move target file(s) within workspace. :param source: source filename or path. :param target: target filename or path. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :param access_token: token of user. :return: a dictionary containing the ``workflow_id``, ``workflow_name``, and a ``message`` about the success of the operation. """ try: (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.move_files( source=source, target=target, workflow_id_or_name=workflow, access_token=access_token, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Files move command failed: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def get_workflow_disk_usage(workflow, parameters, access_token): """Display disk usage workflow. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :param parameters: a dictionary to customize the response. It has the following (optional) keys: - ``summarize``: a boolean value to indicate whether to summarize the response to include only the total workspace disk usage - ``search``: a string to filter the response by file name :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: a dictionary containing the ``workflow_id``, ``workflow_name``, and the ``user`` ID, with a ``disk_usage_info`` keys that contains a list of dictionaries, each of one corresponding to a file, with the ``name`` and ``size`` keys. """ try: (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.get_workflow_disk_usage( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, parameters=parameters, access_token=access_token, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Workflow disk usage could not be retrieved: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def add_secrets(secrets, overwrite, access_token): """Add new secrets. :param secrets: dictionary containing all the secrets to be sent. The dictionary has the secret names for keys and for each key there is a dictionary with two fields: - ``value``: a base64 encoded file or literal string - ``type``: ``"file"`` or ``"env"`` :param overwrite: whether secrets should be overwritten when they already exist. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: a dictionary containing the ``message`` key with a success message. """ try: (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.add_secrets( secrets=secrets, access_token=access_token, overwrite=overwrite ).result() if http_response.status_code == 201: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 201 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Secrets could not be added: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) if e.status_code == 409: raise REANASecretAlreadyExists() else: raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def delete_secrets(secrets, access_token): """Delete a list of secrets. :param secrets: list of secret names to be deleted. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: a list with the names of the deleted secrets. """ try: (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.delete_secrets( secrets=secrets, access_token=access_token ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 404: raise REANASecretDoesNotExist(e.response.json()) else: logging.debug( "Secrets could not be deleted: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"], ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def list_secrets(access_token): """List user secrets. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: a list of dictionaries, each of one corresponding to a secret, with the ``name`` and ``type`` keys. """ try: (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.get_secrets( access_token=access_token ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Secrets could not be listed: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def info(access_token): """List general information about the cluster. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: a dictionary containing relevant values and configuration options about the cluster. Each key contains a dictionary with the ``title`` key, explaining the meaning of the value, and the ``value`` key, containing the value itself. Example of the returned keys include ``compute_backends``, ``default_kubernetes_memory_limit``, and ``maximum_interactive_session_inactivity_period``. """ try: (response, http_response) = access_token=access_token ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Workspaces could not be listed: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"]) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def get_workflow_retention_rules(workflow, access_token): """Get the retention rules of a workflow. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: a dictionary containing the ``workflow_id``, ``workflow_name``, and the ``retention_rules`` key with a list of dictionaries representing the retention rules of the workflow. Each dictionary contains info about the affected workspace files, and the schedule of the retention rule. """ try: ( response, http_response, ) = current_rs_api_client.api.get_workflow_retention_rules( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, access_token=access_token, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Workflow retention rules could not be retrieved: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"])
[docs]def prune_workspace(workflow, include_inputs, include_outputs, access_token): """Prune workspace files. :param workflow: name or id of the workflow. :param include_inputs: whether to also delete inputs. :param include_outputs: whether to also delete outputs. :param access_token: access token of the current user. :return: a dictionary containing the ``workflow_id``, ``workflow_name``, and a ``message`` key with the result of the operation. """ try: (response, http_response) = current_rs_api_client.api.prune_workspace( workflow_id_or_name=workflow, include_inputs=include_inputs, include_outputs=include_outputs, access_token=access_token, ).result() if http_response.status_code == 200: return response else: raise Exception( "Expected status code 200 but replied with " "{status_code}".format(status_code=http_response.status_code) ) except HTTPError as e: logging.debug( "Workspace could not be pruned: " "\nStatus: {}\nReason: {}\n" "Message: {}".format( e.response.status_code, e.response.reason, e.response.json()["message"] ) ) raise Exception(e.response.json()["message"])